
How to prevent copyright stealing on YouTube

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Making a creation and putting it in on a platform like YouTube has become common. At this time, many people can achieve a success through this pathway. Starting from gaming creator content, talkshow, live streamer, or music creation. Discussing about music, Anji, as one of Indonesian musician, discussed the current crimes that are still happening in digital music industry.

The problem that recently often occurs is taking of Copyrights by irresponsible person. An actual example said by Anji is in the case faced by Denny Caknan. Denny Caknan is a musician who has the Copyrights to the song titled “Kartoyono Medot Janji” that was claimed by an unknown person for getting profit some time ago.

Therefore, Anji invited an Indonesian YouTube Music Content Partnership Manager, Muara Sipahutar. In their discussion, those two people who are working in the field of digital music revealed a number of steps that content creators must be considered to avoid these crimes.

Here’s how content creators should do on YouTube or other music platforms :

  1. Registered the copyrights of video element

The first step you should do is registering the video as your copyrights. Muara Sipahutas said that in video, there are three elements you should register the copyrights or copyright licence. He said that in a YouTube Video, the creator must give licence to the video, audio and also the composision in the uploaded content.

The first protection of a video, you can do by joining or registering youself in the music aggregator. In Indonesia, it is known that there are already a number of music aggregators can be used to invest copyright digitallyrelated to your music creations.

YouTube itself actually already has a copyright system that can automatically trap the accounts which use video of your creations. However, it is mandatory to do if you want to commercialize your creations. “We are in an evolutionary period, so people have started to see that through YouTube also been able to get back” said Muara.

  1. Join the Publisher

The second step you must protect is the audio of your creations. In a music, of course the audio element is something very important right?. For that, your are advised to join a music publisher. A music publicer is an authorized party by the copyright’s holder to manage and administer your creation.

This publisher’s task will later be a regulator in terms of selling or taking care of anything related to the use of your creation. So, if one day there are people who intentionally publish your creation on the YouTube platform or other music channels, the publisher can act to protect against the said creation.

  1. Register at the Collecting Society

The last thing you have to do is protecting the compositions of the music creation. “That compositions are the lyrics and musical notes composed by the creator of the creation,” said Muara. So, the protection of these compositions will be useful in operating the existing system on YouTube.

(The composition of lyrics and musical notes that have been registered in the music aggregator or other music publishers before, will make the YouTube system validation process easier. So, you do not need to worry about the stealing of creation from these wicked person.”

However, by enrolling in a collective management institution, your creation will be able to get even greater protection. The task of this collective management agency is actually mor or less the same as what is done by the publisher as the Attorney holder of the song or creation you made. For more details, Muara Sipahutar recommends access through the link https://creatoracademy.youtube.com/page/home?hl=id.


  1. https://nextren.grid.id/read/012115766/cara-mencegah-pencurian-hak-cipta-di-youtube-ini-solusi-dari-channel-duniamanji diakses pada tanggal 25 Mei 2020.
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