
Trademark Battle: Thom Browne Adidas Three Stripes

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Thom Browne Adidas

Have you heard about Thom Browne Adidas’ trademark battle over the 3 stripes? Adidas already registered the three stripes mark in many countries as their brand identity. It keeps a close eye on its brands by taking action against anyone who copies, misuses, or competes unfairly with it. 

Here’s the case where Adidas clashed with American designer Thom Browne. Adidas felt that the four parallel stripes on Browne’s clothing were a violation of its trademark rights. So, how does a trademark dispute affect brand protection? 

Let’s dive into the trademark battle and its implications for brand protection through the explanation below. 

Thom Browne vs. Adidas: The Three-Stripe Showdown

Facing tension with Thom Browne, Adidas filed a lawsuit to the federal court in New York. Here’s the story battle behind Thom Browne Adidas over the three-stripe showdown. 

1. Adidas Infringement Lawsuit against Thom Browne

Lawsuits over trademark violations are rare. Most of these cases are settled outside of court, especially in the U.S. The legal costs and potential penalties in the US are very high compared to France.

This is particularly true when the opponents have different levels of product or resource. For example, when a big company like Adidas goes after a small business with limited resources, the smaller company often prefers to settle. 

Most likely, both parties will create a certain agreement for not selling the same product in the future. But, in the case of Thow Browne Adidas, they can’t reach a consensus after the mediation process. 

As a result, Adidas took the case to court and Thom Browne tried to prove his argument. 

2. Adidas Does Not Own Stripes

The case of Thom Browne Adidas began with a complaint from Adidas against Thom Browne. Adidas felt that the four parallel stripes on athletic style clothing Browne’s brand violated their trademark. 

The issue started when Thom Browne used stripes on streetwear items, which is Adidas’ main area. Adidas worried this might confuse people into mixing up the two brands. 

Thom Browne argued that Adidas doesn’t monopolize parallel stripes, which are a common design in clothing. He also stated that there’s no risk of confusion between the two brands. Because Adidas and Thow Browne have different target audiences and positioning. 

This argument was convincing enough for the jury that Thom Browne could continue to use the 4 stripes in his product designs.

3. Adidas Defense Defeat Against 3 Lines

As a result, Adidas was defeated by three stripes. However, Adidas is known to have quite an offensive strategy to maintain its three-stripes identity as its brand authenticity. Adidas is known for taking every chance to enforce its intellectual property rights.

The Critical Role of Trademark Protection

From the Thom Browne Adidas case, you are already aware that trademark protection plays a vital role in preserving brand identity and ensuring market distinction. 

Trademarks serve as a unique point or identifier for your brand’s products or services. This point is gonna make you look totally different from your competitors. 

In this era of digital competitive business, you have to not only be different but also be authentic the way you are as a brand. You should maintain your integral identity from tangible to intangible aspects. 

Building brand identity is not for a night. You need a long journey to build your company’s reputation and public recognition through your trademark.  

So, therefore, trademark protection will help you to prevent illegal use, plagiarism, or imitation of your brand that leads to public confusion. Of course, it will harm your brand’s existence in the eyes of the public. 

In essence, trademark protection helps prevent other businesses from copying your brand’s names, logos, or symbols. If there’s a brand that has the same logo as your company, it may mislead consumers when they think about your brand.

That’s why, in Thom Browne Adidas’s case for the three stripes battle, Adidas tried so hard to protect their identity to maintain brand trust and ensure that customers receive the quality of their brand.  

After reading this case, if you have a problem in trademark prosecution, consider reaching out to Am Badar & Am Badar for assistance. Our team is skilled in handling the complexities of trademark law to protect your brand. Check our services for more to know about Trademark and Copyright Services

Don’t Let Your Brand Identity Be Stripped Away

In Indonesia, trademarks are regulated through Law Number 21 of 1961 concerning Company Trademarks and Commercial Trademarks, and Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications.

These regulations stated that a protected trademark can be a picture, logo, name, word, number, or color design, either in 2D or 3D. This helps to distinguish the products or services of one person or company from those of others.

From Thom Browne Adidas’s case, you can take a lesson that ensuring trademark protection is a must to protect a brand from potential legal disputes and infringement issues. You should register your trademark clearly to have exclusive rights. Here are short strategies and best practices for protecting your brand’s identity:

  1. Secure your brand’s identity by officially registering trademarks for your brand name, logo, slogan, and other distinctive elements;
  2. Regularly monitor the market for potential infringements on your trademarks;
  3. Ensure your team to aware of trademark protection and how to use brand identity based on certain guidelines;
  4. Use your trademark consistently in all marketing and branding strategies;
  5. Work with intellectual property law firms that specialize in trademark law to navigate complex legal matters and provide guidance on protecting your brand.

Are you still confused to decide who will be your partner for trademark protection? Worry not. You can collaborate with Am Badar & Am Badar through Trademark and Copyright Services

You can prevent your brand identity from infringement or legal dispute, like Thom Browne Adidas. Please contact us to get extensive consultation about trademark laws in Indonesia. 

We would welcome you and give you the best services to strengthen your brand identity in the future. Don’t forget to always keep up to date with the intellectual property laws and information throughout insights.

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