
Training of Patent Drafting in Udayana University

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Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia has held patent drafting training at Udayana University in Bali, Indonesia (February 24, 2014). This Training intended to push universities in Indonesia to increase their patent applications to Indonesian Patent Office.

This training was opened by Director General for Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ahmad M.Ramli, SH, MH, FCBarb.

Furthermore, this training will encourage universities in Indonesia to become “Research Based on Universities”.

There were 30 participants attended this training that consist of Students, Deans and Vice Chancellors from Udayana University and Dr. Ir. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, MH, IP Expert from Indonesian Patent Office.

This training is expected to improve awareness of IP system in Indonesia for all participants and to increase patent applications through PCT from universities in Indonesia.

According to Data from WIPO in 2012, there were no patent applications through PCT from universities in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Malaysia (University Sains Malaysia) filed 39 patent applications through PCT, Japan (Tokyo Institute of Technology) filed 38 patent applications and United States (Yale University) filed 37 patent applications. [2]

Source :

1. www.dgip.go.id

2. Top 50 PCT applicants, Universities in WIPO Economics and Statistics Series. PCT Yearly Review The International Patent System. 2013. page 35. [2]


Written by :

Agus Candra Suratmaja


Keyword :

Patent Drafting, Patent in Indonesia.

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