
Terms of Plant Variety Protection

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Previously, we have discussed the history of Plant Variety Protection (PVP), this time we will discuss the requirements and period of PVP.

Based on Article 1 point 3 of Law Number 29 of 2000 concerning Protection of Plant Varieties (PVP Law), plant variety is a group of plants of a type or species characterized by plant shape, plant growth, leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds, and expression of genotype characteristics or combinations of genotypes that can differentiate from the same type or species by at least one defining trait and when propagated there is no change.

Meanwhile, Plant Variety Protection, hereinafter abbreviated as PVP, according to Article 1 point 1 of the PVP Law, is exclusive protection provided by the state, which in this case is represented by the Government and its implementation is carried out by the Plant Variety Protection Office, for plant varieties produced by plant breeders through activities plant breeding. PVP rights holders are breeders or individuals or legal entities, or other parties who further receive PVP rights from previous PVP rights holders.

PVP is also included as one of Intellectual Property (IP). However, unlike Patents, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, and Trade Secrets which are submitted to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, PVP applications are submitted to the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing under the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture.

Terms of Plant Variety Protection

According to Article 2 paragraph (1) of the PVP Law, it is stated that the varieties that can be given PVP include varieties of novelty, unique, uniform, stable, and named plant species.

Novelty: Not yet known by the public
Unique: Distinguishable with existing varieties
Uniform: Has an outward appearance of uniform
Stable: Planted anywhere according to agroecological recommendations will have the same characteristics

In addition, Varieties must also be named. The naming of the variety is carried out by the PVP rights applicant and registered at the PVP Office. The name of PVP should not cause confusion about the characteristics of varieties. Then, the name of the variety can also be registered as a trademark by the owner.

All types/species of plant breeding results both generatively and vegetatively can be protected by PVP. However, the PVP Law also provides exceptions for plant varieties that cannot be protected by PVP, namely:

Varieties whose use is contrary to applicable laws and regulations, public order, morality, religious norms, health, and environmental sustainability (Article 3 of the PVP Law). Example: Cannabis, a genetically modified variety that contains animal genes that are prohibited by religion.
Varieties with the same characteristics (difficult to distinguish) with varieties that have received PVP.
Varieties that already exist and are cultivated for generations by farmers, and belong to the community (local varieties) (Article 7 of the PVP Law).
Bacteria, bacteroids, microplasmas, viruses, viroids, and bacteriophages.
Plant Variety Protection Period

The period of PVP protection is divided into 2, for annual plants (life cycle less than 1 year) the protection period is 20 years counted from the date of granting PVP rights. As for perennial plants, the period of protection is 25 years starting from the date of granting PVP rights. However, from the date of submission of a complete PVP rights application is received by the PVP Office until the certificate is issued, the applicant will receive temporary protection so that the applicant gets protection for the use of the plant variety during the registration process.

If Partners require further information about PVP or wish to register for PVP, please do not hesitate to contact us via marketing@ambadar.co.id.

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