
Am Badar & Am Badar included in “Most Recommended International IP Agencies” list by China IP Magazine

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Am Badar & Am Badar are delighted to share our inclusion in the “Most Recommended International IP Agencies” list by China IP Magazine. As per chinaiptoday.com, this award is to promote international agencies and as a reference point for Chinese enterprises. The selected agencies are based on thorough examinations of several key factors, including years of establishment, staff size, Chinese client service capability, client evaluation, and a recommendation index.

It is a tremendous honor to have our work recognized by such a respected and reliable voice in intellectual property matters. Represented by our managing partner, Ms. Anisa Am Badar, we expressed our most sincere gratitude via video during the recently held “The 12th China IP International Annual Forum & 2022 Annual Conference of In-house IP Managers in China”. We thank the organizers for giving us time to convey our message between the many engaging and urgent discourses regarding IP.

To our employees and colleagues, we want to express our deep appreciation for your continued dedication that has shaped us into the firm that we are today. Your tireless efforts have been crucial to this achievement, to every milestone this company has attained, and to the many more to come.

Lastly, a special thank you to our peers and clients in China. Everyone at Am Badar & Am Badar is profoundly grateful and proud of our shared history. Working with you has been an enormous pleasure, and long may it continue.


Rénx?n qí, Tàish?n yí

When people work with one heart, they can even move Mount Tai.”


Am Badar & Am Badar is the right place for partners in need of Intellectual Property services and consultation. Contact us via ambadar@ambadar.co.id. We will provide the best solutions according to your needs.

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