
e-Court: Modernizing IP Litigation

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Digitalization is becoming increasingly inseparable from modern life. Many sectors are going through radical changes to adapt to the realities of contemporary technology. This also applies to the judicial world.

Last January, The Decision of the Chairman of the District Court of Central Jakarta No. W10-U1/05/KP.00.3/I/2023 (Surat Keputusan No. W10-U1/05/KP.00.3/I/2023) was issued. This regulation is devised to heavily streamline the IP legal system by integrating the newly implemented E-Court* program.

*E-Court is a program that provides online facilitation for various court-related services, including registering cases, payments, summoning, sharing court documents ,and even litigation.

The defining feature of Decision No. W10-U1/05/KP.00.3/I/2023 is that it regulates the integration of the E-Court system for submissions to Industrial Relations Courts and Commercial Courts, effective from 24th of January, 2023. As expressed in the regulation, this decision was in order to realize the principle of a simple, fast and low-cost judiciary system– both a basic principle and the objective of Law No. 48 Year 2009 on Judicial Powers. Of course, this goal has sometimes been elusive in Indonesian bureaucracies, which the E-Court system could potentially solve.

In relation to Intellectual Property, Decision No. W10-U1/05/KP.00.3/I/2023 now regulates that submissions to Central Jakarta District Court for IP-related cases must be processed through the E-Court system. This includes filing cases, cancellation actions, and non-use actions.

We Are Prepared

As one of Indonesia’s oldest and most enduring IP firms, we are accustomed to adapting to modern trends. For decades, we have consistently reassessed and remodeled our practice according to modern requirements in order to serve our clients better. In accordance with this principle, we are proud to share that we are the first IP firm to file a cancellation action through the E-Court system.

We believe that the more streamlined process brought forward but the implementation of the E-Court system will bring positive change—not only for our clients, but to the Indonesian IP landscape as a whole. We are ready to serve our clients in this new age, as we always have, and always will. Contact us via ambadar@ambadar.co.id.

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