
The Certificates of PVP of P 1972 and Dole 14 Pineapples Have been Issued

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Am Badar & Partners, the attorney of IPR and Plant Variety Protection in Indonesia has given assistance to Dole Food Company, Inc in filing the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) of P 1972 and Dole 14 Pineapples to Center For Plant Variety Protection and Agriculture Permit of Indonesia (PVTPP) of Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia.

Dole Food Company, Inc, was filed the application of PVP for pineapple of P 1972 through the assistance of PVP Attorney Annisa Am Badar, SH, LLM, meanwhile the application of PVP for pineapple of Dole 14 was filed through the assistance of PVP Attorney Nabila Am Badar, SH, LLM.

The Variety of P 1972 Pineapple was bred by two Plant Breeders, namely Dr. Jorge Gonzales and Jerry Vriesenga. This variety gained the PVP Rights in Indonesia on August 13, 2013 with Certificate Number : 00224/PPVT/S/2013.

Meanwhile, the Variety of Dole 14 pineapple was bred by two Plant Breeders, namely Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Jorge Gonzales, and gained the PVP Rights in Indonesia in the same date with P 1972, i.e on August 13, 2013 with Certificate Number : 00223/PPVT/S/2013.

According to statistical data from 2004 until July 2013, there were 457 PVP Rights applications filed with Center For Plant Variety Protection and Agriculture Permit of Indonesia, and there were 208 PVP Rights applications granted.

According to Article 9 (1) of PVP Law No 29 of 2000, the holders of the right for PVP shall be obligated to exercise their right to PVP in Indonesia, pay annual fees for PVP, provide and show seeds samples of variety granted the right for PVP in Indonesia.

According to Article 4 (1) about the Period of Protection of PVP No 29 of 2000, the protection of annual plant (pineapple) in Indonesia is 20 years commencing from the granting date.

In 2013, there were 144 PVP applications granted from local seed company, meanwhile only 13 PVP applications were granted from seed company from abroad.

Indonesia is non UPOV member, but PVP law in Indonesia has adopted UPOV Convention. Article 19 (4) of PVP Law No 29 of 2000, explain that the variety applied for with the right of priority, the date of receipt shall be the date of the receipt of the application for the right to PVP which is the first time filing date abroad.

Keyword : PVP in Indonesia, Plant Variety Protection in Indonesia, Plant Variety System in Indonesia, How to Protect PVP in Indonesia, Procedure to Protect Plant Variety Protection in Indonesia

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Written By :

Agus Candra Suratmaja, S.P

Strategic Management Staff of Am Badar and Partners

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