
Achievement of Indonesian Intellectual Property in 2022

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2022 is a special year for Intellectual Property in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) in Indonesia getting various achievements and exceeding the set targets.

In 2022, the number of Intellectual Property applications in Indonesia is more than 257 thousand, which means this number has increased by 26% compared to 2021. The most applications in 2022 are for brands, namely more than 120 thousand applications, an increase of 16% from the previous year. This increase in the number of trademark applications in Indonesia means increasing public awareness about the importance of protecting Intellectual Property.

Furthermore, the second most intellectual property applications are applications for copyrights, namely 117,083 applications. This application increased by 34 thousand or 40% from the previous year. One of the reasons for the increase in Copyright applications is the launch of the Automatic Copyright Registration Approval (POP HC) in 2022.

Apart from applications for trademarks and copyrights, most applications are then held by patent applications, where patent applications in 2022 are 14,062, an increase of 12% from the previous year.

Public awareness about the importance of IP registration has not only increased but has also grown and developed. Due to this increase, Indonesia is in the top 10 for two types of applications, ranking 2 for trademark applications and 10 for simple patents among middle-income countries of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). (Read more at Ambadar.co.id)

In addition to Trademarks, Copyrights, and Patents, DGIP registered 4,877 applications for Industrial Designs, 1,071 IP for Communal, and 26 applications for Geographical Indications. The total registration of Indonesian Intellectual Property in 2022 is 257,335 applications.

In addition to the increase in the number of applications in 2022, DGIP also recorded an increase in the completion of applications for intellectual property rights in Indonesia in 2022. The number of applications for trademarks was 167,887; copyrights were 117,083; patents were 8,815; industrial designs were 2,469; communal intellectual property was 633; and geographic indications were 17 applications.

With the launch of POP HC and POP Brands, DJKI received the Top Digital Implementation 2022 #LevelStar5 award. This achievement increased from the previous year when DJKI received a 4-star level.

When you believe that Indonesia is the right market for your product or service, then Am Badar & Am Badar IP Law Firm, as an Intellectual Property Consultant with more than 57 years of experience in Indonesia, is the right partner.

Our service does not only cover the registration process until it is accepted but also the monitoring process at a later date, where the Intellectual property that you have registered may be copied or misused by other parties who are not responsible.

Am Badar and Am Badar IP Law Firm are the right places for Partners who need services or consultations related to IPR. Contact us via ambadar@ambadar.co.id. We will provide the best solution according to your situation.


  • https://www.dgip.go.id/artikel/detail-artikel/pencapaian-istimewa-djki-2022?kategori=Berita%20Resmi%20Desain%20Industri
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