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The creative industry is one of the largest state revenues in addition to natural resources, the creative industry is closely related to the work produced. Every year, Indonesia generates new creative ideas, ideas to create new works, with the creation of a new work, the support that can be given is this new work has Intellectual Property Rights (IP).

The influence of IP on the economy of a country, the government appears to be pro-active, the enthusiasm to make IP is one of the national strategic issues, seeks to encourage the existence of IP. The world economic phenomenon requires countries to follow economic globalization. Economic globalization is followed by legal globalization. With the assembly of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in which there are Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs Aggreement), sooner or later it will implement its economic growth policy strategy oriented towards IP.

In order to increase the innovation, it is also important to stimulate and strengthen networks between industry, research and development institutions. Industry and the private sectors must also be provided with supporting funds to increase research and development that can produce intellectual works. To develop human resources (HR) with innovative and creative abilities, IP issues must be implemented in a sustainable manner to accelerate the process of achieving innovative culture. Research and development institutions must be reproduced and developed.

The potential that Indonesia has in global competition is Indonesia’s strength in comparative and competitive factors. Comparative factor is the advantage that can be obtained by Indonesia because the cost of producing an item will be lower than the cost of production if it is done in other countries. Competitive factor is the advantage that can be obtained by Indonesia because Indonesian products are competitive when compared to similar products from other countries.


1.       Law No. 31 of 2000 regarding Industrial Design

2.       Ansori Sinungan. 2011. Perlindungan Desain Industri: Tantangan dan Hambatan dalam Praktiknya di Indonesia. Bandung:      P.T. ALUMNI Bandung

3.      https://kemlu.go.id/jenewa-un/id/news/867/kepala-bekraf-tekankan-pentingnya-kekayaan-intelektual-bagi-pembangunan (accessed on 23rd   February 2021)

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