Folding Screen Smartphone, a Patent Trend in 2019

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In the current digital era, technological developments in the world are increasingly advanced and sophisticated. Especially in 2019, it has been a surprise for the unique and sophisticated technological developments in the field of gadgets or folding screen smartphones. Mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung, Apple, LG, Xiaomi, Oppo, Huawei, Sharp, Motorola and others have made folding screen smartphones that will be presented this year with a style of design and functionality that is different from their competitors.

Samsung, a Korean smartphone manufacturer has launched a folding phone as its newest product called “Galaxy Fold” which has a 4.6-inch screen specification when folded and a 7.3-inch screen when the smartphone is opened and supported by using a new screen technology called “Infinity Flex Display”, the screen can allow it to open and close many times without screen degradation.[1] Then what supports this folding screen smartphone is “5G Wireless Network”, the network introduces high and fast internet speed so that the users of this folding screen smartphone will easily download a high quality video in just a few seconds. The smartphone is also equipped with 6 (six) cameras and other sophisticated specifications.

With the launch of Galaxy Fold, the return of slider-based phones and folding cellphones will be the hottest trend for mobile devices this year as well as all the other non-folding handsets that are looking forward to this year.[2]

The advantages of this folding screen smartphone are the large screen, unique design, different folding systems and other attractive specifications. While the disadvantages of the presence of this folding screen smartphone are the very expensive price, but it is also questionable for the durability of this folding screen smartphone as well as eliminating tablet gadget products in the market for the presence of this technology.

In ancient times, there were many consumers who liked tablet gadgets or large screen phones, because they were easy and convenient to use when watching videos, playing games, reading or searching websites. However, the disadvantages of tablets or large screen phones are due to the lack of practicality and the difficulty of users to pocket these devices. Later it can be said that consumers will easily carry everywhere by pocketing the cellphone in a pocket with the best quality.

This folding screen smartphone also raises more interesting innovations, especially in the case of patents. Inventors or producers have new challenges to their competitors to make or develop products and/or processes for their mobile products in order to have healthy competitiveness between producers and have better advantages than other competitors.

It is possible that with many innovations or patents invented by inventors and produced by smartphone manufacturers, for the next generation, these smartphones will be cheaper for the folding screen smartphone than it firstly appeared on the market if many inventors or producers make or develop their patents.

The patent regulations in Indonesia as stipulated in Article 3, Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents states that “Patents are given for inventions that are new, contain inventive steps, and can be applied in industry”. If the inventors or producers are aware of registering their patent rights, they will get legal protection properly for patents that have been registered.

Meanwhile, based on Article 160 of the 2016 Patent Law which states that “Any person without the consent of the Patent Holder is prohibited:”

a. in the case of product Patents: making, using, selling, importing, renting, surrendering or providing for sale or leasing or being handed over to products that are patented; and/or

b. in the case of Process Patents; use the production process that is granted a patent to make goods or other actions as referred to in letter a. 

Keep in mind, a violation of registered patent occurs when there is another party that carries out the patent owned by the Patent Holder without his consent or without his permission as stated in Article 161-162 of the 2016 Patent Law.

Therefore, there will be more new and interesting patents, and patents registered on the smartphone due to the emergence of a folding screen smartphone in 2019. It is believed that it will increase economic value and excite mobile gadget fans or consumers who have missed something new or different than before.


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