Director General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia Met with the Vice Governor of Jakarta

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Sitting (fourth and fifth from the right) Ahmad Ramli, Director General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Vice Governor of Jakarta.


Director General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia with the Association of Movie, Music and Software in Indonesia held a meeting with vice governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama on Thursday, July 18th, 2013 at the governor office in Jakarta. This activity was attended by The Director General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia, Ahmad M.Ramli with his staff, and the delegation from ASIREVI, ASIRI, GAPERINDO, AIVI, BSA, MPA, ASIRI, APMINDO, WAMI, YKCI and Indonesian Artists.

Ahmad Ramli said “Jakarta should be the barometer of IPR protection in Indonesia in particular Copyright Protection, because the pirated VCDs and Blue-ray are still commonly found in Jakarta. According to data, The Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia has seized 65 tons of CDs, DVDs and Blue-ray pirated from Glodok area. Glodok is one of the trade center of pirated VCDs, DVDs, CDs software in Jakarta.

According to data from International Data Corporation (IDC) researched on the period of April 2012, Indonesia is ranked 11th most pirated countries in the world. The circulation of pirated software was 86 % with the potential losses reached U.S. $ 1,46 billion or around Rp12,8 trillion. The number is up about 10% from the previous year. Due to the high piracy rate, the commercial value of legal software in Indonesia is only U.S. $ 239 million. 2

Vice governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama said “We will issue warning letter and socialization about IPR and order not to sell pirated goods to all Malls in Jakarta”. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama promised that he would issue local regulations about IPR. So it would be stronger IPR protection in Jakarta.


Source :

1. Terjemahan dari Audiensi Direktur Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Serta Perwakilan Asosiasi Industri Film, Musik dan Software dengan Wakil Gubernur DKI

2. VCDs, DVDs, CDs and pirated software seized in Glodok


Written by :

Agus Candra Suratmaja, S.P

Staff of  Strategic Management Ambadar & Partners


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