
E-Copyright System in DGIP

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Source : www.dgip.go.id


Directorate General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia (DGIP) held online training of copyright filing system (E-Copyright) on July 03, 2014. This training was opened by Mr. Razilu, Secretary for DGIP. 35 Indonesian IP Consultants attended this training. Mr. Razilu said that E-Copyright is the best way to provide excellent services to applicants.

This system is simpler and faster for filing copyright application to DGIP Office. This system can obtain copyright certificate only 14 days from the filing date. It’s faster than the manual system which need 9 months from the filing date. With this system, applicant can print the copyright certificates when the copyright application had been verified and approved by DGIP.

Moreover, DGIP will use barcode system on the copyright certificates and the applicants can conduct payment by online system. Mr. Kardjono, DGIP’s Director for Information Technology said that, this system can be used by regional offices of DGIP throughout Indonesia, Indonesian IP Consultants and IP Centers in Universities in Indonesia that have registered.

Source : www.dgip.go.id

Editor by :

Agus Candra Suratmaja, S.P

Management Strategy Staff Am Badar & Partners

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