
Geographical Indication Certificate of Ijen-Raung Java Coffee

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Ijen Raung Arabica Java Coffee has received the Geographical Indication Certificate from Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia (November, 29 2013). This certificate was given by Director for Trademark, Bambang Iriana Djajaatmadja, S.H, LLM to East Java Regional Head of Department of Agriculture (on behalf of the East Java Governor).

The Geographical Indication of Ijen Raung Arabica Java Coffee was filed by Association of Geographical Indications Protection Society (PMPIG) in November 2012. The Geographical Indication was stated in article 56 (1) in Indonesian Trademark Law No. 15 of 2001. [1]

According to article 56 (1) about the Geographical Indication at Trademark Law, No 15 of 2001, a Geographical Indication is protected as an indication of the area where some goods come from which by geographical factors including the factors of the nature, human kind, or a combination between the two factors gives particular characteristics and quality to goods produced.

Elucidation: Geographical indication is an indication or identity of an object coming from a particular place, area or region that shows the quality, reputation and characteristics including the natural and human factors that make the attributes of the article. The sign that represents a geographical indication may be a label fixed on the article produced. The sign may take the form of name of place, area or region, a word, picture, letter, or a combination of these elements. Name of place may be the name indicated in the geographical map or a name that because of continuous use has become the name of the place where the article is produced. A protection of geographical indication includes the materials produced by the nature, agriculture activities , handicraft , or particular industrial products.

According to article 56 (2) A geographical indication get s a protect ion after it has been registered based on an application made by :

(a) an institution representing the community in the area which produces the goods, comprising :

(1) The party producing the goods that are a natural resource or natural-rich.

(2) Producers of agricultural products.

(3) Makers of handicraft it ems or industrial products or

(4) Traders selling the goods :

(a) An institution authorized therefore. or

(b) Consumer groups of the goods.

The Period of Protection of Geographical Indications in Indonesia

According to article 56 (7) a registered geographical indication shall get a legal protection for the period as long as the basic characters and/or quality of the geographical indication protection are not change.


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Keyword :

Geographical Indication in Indonesia, Geographical Indication Certificate in Indonesia, Filing Geographical Indication in Indonesia

Editor :

Agus Candra Suratmaja

Am Badar & Partners


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