Indonesia-Denmark Agreement regarding Intellectual Property

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Indonesia-Denmark Agreement regarding Intellectual Property

On December 7th 2020, Indonesian government through Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Denmark Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO).

This agreement between Indonesia and Denmark aims to enhance the process of patent examination, improve the process of trademark and industrial design examination, and also to raise concern and cooperation in relevant law enforcement for DJKI stakeholders.

This agreement also carries hope to develop Indonesian Intellectual Property system, since Denmark has a thriving Intellectual Property system and taking part in the top six WIPO version of Global Innovation Index of 2020.

Indonesia and Denmark Intellectual Property Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) consist of several technical areas, such as patent, trademark, industrial design, and copyright. Specifically, patent area consists of Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, and Quality Management System. Trademark area consists of the baseline rejection of trademark which incorporates operational, procedure and management system from appeal commission. Lastly, on Industrial design and copyright area consist of design protection and non-physical goods, design protection for “materials”, and copyright royalty scheme.

Other than that, this Memorandum of Understanding has another area regarding raising concern and law enforcement that consist of campaign strategy, development, and specific cooperation.



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