Patent Attorney in Indonesia

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Patent Attorney in Indonesia (Am Badar & Partners) is one of market leaders in Patent prosecution in Indonesia. According to Data from Indonesian Patent Office, there were 1,025 patent applications have been filed by our firm on period of 2013. Moreover, we have the highest patent applications to Indonesian Patent Office on period of 2010-2013.

Patent Attorneys at Am Badar & Partners handle patent application mostly in field of electrical, mechanical, metallurgy, chemistry, pharmaceuticals.

We can assist you in filing your patent applications in Indonesia both domestic and international (PCT).

Patent Attorney in Indonesia (Am Badar & Partners) is capable to provide you with the best quality service and the prompt response.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have interested in filing patent application to Indonesian Patent Office.


Keyword : Patent Attorney in Indonesia, Patent Agent in Indonesia, The Best Patent Attorney in Indonesia, The Best Patent Agent in Indonesia


Am Badar & Partners

Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 14 Jakarta 10340 Indonesia.

Phones:   62 21 3983 7314 and 7315

Faxes:     62 21 3983 7319 and 7300





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