The Importance of Registering Patent in Indonesia

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By : Agus Candra Suratmaja, S.P

Staff of Strategic Management Am Badar & Partners

Indonesia has the second largest economic growth after China. According to Central Bank of Indonesia, the economic growth of Indonesia in 2012 was 6.3%. It has become the second highest growth in the world after China which has reached 7.8%. Meanwhile, the investment growth in Indonesia has reached 10.9 %. The growing investment sector in Indonesia will make new patents to be used widely in Indonesia to support the growth of new industrial sector. Therefore, patent registration is very important to be registered in Indonesia.

The increasing of investment sector in Indonesia particularly in implementing of new technology will open opportunities to the patent holder to give his patent license to the Industrial owner in Indonesia.

According to Mr. Sudarmanto, The Chairman of the Association of Managing Intellectual Property (ASPEKI) the companies from Indonesia prefer to buy a new patent or accept a license of patent. They don’t want doing research to generate a new patent, because the Indonesian economic growth is still based on natural resources than based on research.

According to statistical data from The Directorate of General Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia the application of Patents had increased about 5 % during the period of 2009-2011. The increasing of patents application will make a collaboration in a new technology application in Indonesia and will make the industry in indonesia growing rapidly.

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