UGM Received WIPO Medal for Creating & Distributing Inventions

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Gadjah Mada University, more commonly known as UGM, obtained a WIPO medal for the many inventions and patents the university has produced and distributed. The exciting news is a reminder for the people of this country that innovation and creativity are greatly appreciated, not just by this country, but also the world.

The award was given on April 26, 2022, which was also World Intellectual Day. UGM’s many innovations were distributed through the UGM Science Techno Park.

Based on information obtained from UGM’s website, the UGM Science Techno Park alongside the Directorate of Research, which manages the UGM Intellectual Property Center, are fully committed to protecting Intellectual Property and disseminating Intellectual Property through the use of licenses.

UGM’s Innovative  and Creative Output

UGM produced 25 patents through collaborative work with industrial partners. Furthermore, there are around 185 startups formed, with 33 startups splitting itself into subsidiaries.

Sri Mulyani, Head of the Intellectual Property Section of UGM’s Directorate of Research, claimed that in 2020, UGM produced 141 patent applications. While in 2021, UGM produced 143 patent applications.

Activities done and/or supported by UGM which resulted in the creation of Intellectual Property, eventually will benefit not just communities around or within UGM, but also the general public. As time progresses, all of Indonesia will reap the effects of UGM’s many inventions.

The fields occupied by UGM in its innovative activities include Health, Integrated Agriculture, New and Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (MRTIK), and Heritage, Art and Culture Sustainability Management.

However, of the many inventions put out by UGM, several caught national attention because of the utilization or potential of those inventions. In the health sector, UGM through the UGM Science Techno Park has distributed INA-SHUNT (used to treat hydrocephalus sufferers) OST-D (water soluble vitamin D), GeNose C19 (to test COVID-19), GAMA Cha, NPC Strip G (to detect nasopharynx cancer), and Ceraspon (a sponge that helps with tissue regeneration, also controls bleeding).

Under the umbrella of agro and healthy food, UGM produced Kasabi (Antioxidant Sweet Potato Chips). Meanwhile, in the digital sector, UGM had issued a technologically written batik machine.

Let’s all take a minute to look at the innovations made and/or distributed by UGM. We think it’s far from surprising for the Yogyakarta based university to be rewarded with the WIPO Intellectual Property Enterprise Medal.

UGM Rewarded with the WIPO Intellectual Property Enterprise Medal

The medal given to UGM is dubbed the WIPO Intellectual Property Enterprise Medal. The main reason for the existence of said medal, according to information from WIPO’s website, is to give the necessary push for corporations and institutions so they may be motivated to use the Intellectual Property system in their business activities.

Candidates are considered eligible to receive this medal if they make outstanding use of the Intellectual Property system by:

  • Exploiting IP information in support of innovative commercial strategies;
  • Executing an innovative marketing strategy based on an effective trademark;
  • Developing successful strategies for the commercialization of university-based innovation;
  • Developing public campaigns to promote appreciation of their IP assets;
  • Encouraging creative and inventive activity among staff;
  • Creating corporate social responsibility programs to use the benefits of successful IP-based business for public goals.

As can be seen from the criteria above, WIPO issues the Intellectual Property Enterprise Medal to increase the level of excitement for inventing and making use of the IP system in the business world. The business world should eventually come to the realization that IP has many benefits. That realization will, in turn, increase the amount of innovation which will no doubt provide the public with a good impact, as can be observed from UGM and what they have done.

The hope is, news of the reward given to UGM would help build interest for inventing and distributing inventions. If your interest to invent has been piqued by this article, feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or needs involving patent or other forms of Intellectual Property through our e-mail, We’ll be sure to get back to you.



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