WIPO PROOF: Online platform for tamper-proof evidence of intellectual property

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WIPO PROOF: Online platform for tamper-proof evidence of intellectual property

Human intellectual capability develops in such way that technological advancement in the world reaches the level it is today. Intellectual capability or the ability of human brain, apart from being obtained as a person gets older, can also be improved through education. With education, a person’s intellectual capability is more mature so that it can be poured into an intellectual activity and produces something that can be called a work or innovation.

Frequently, work or innovation requires back-breaking work and cannot be accomplished in one or two days. From such effort a creator or inventor don’t want their invention to be used by another party without rights, because it will harm and violates the inventor’s right.

Indonesia is one of the countries that guarantee a creator’s or an inventor’s right related to their invention. Indonesia is committed to assure those rights by joining WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), a collaboration between the member states regarding to intellectual property. Indonesia regulates several matters in intellectual property, such as:

  1. Law number 29/2000 regarding Plant Variety Protection
  2. Law number 30/2000 regarding Trade-secret
  3. Law number 31/2000 regarding Industrial Design
  4. Law number 32/2000 regarding Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
  5. Law number 13/2016 regarding Patent
  6. Law number 29/2016 regarding Mark and Geographical Indication
  7. Law number 28/2014 regarding Copyright

Those laws regulate how an invention is registered, to protection and sanctions for violations of certain innovation. Despite the existence of intellectual property regulations in Indonesia, there are still many people violating moral and economic rights of a work or invention.

As an additional choice to prove that a certain person is the rightful owner of his work or invention, WIPO provides a digital platform where a person is possible to safeguard an innovation, design, and other digital intellectual assets, and it is called WIPO PROOF.

WIPO PROOF is a paid online service that rapidly produces tamper-proof evidence which you can use to prove that your digital file including invention, design, or other digital intellectual assets, existed at a specific point in time. WIPO PROOF is using an industry-leading secure technology to generate a digital intellectual assets certificate containing globally recognized digital fingerprint. That certificate exist by purchasing WIPO PROOF token, an encrypted record of digital intellectual files, dated and time stamped the second it is created. WIPO stores them for 5 years and it is available for a renewal. Digital intellectual assets stored in compliant with evolving encryption technologies.

Nowadays, there are rampant misuse and misappropriation of intellectual assets, especially through digital media, which possible to incur losses to the rightful owner of an invention. Even more, advanced technology making it easier to violate people’s right. Therefore WIPO PROOF expected to help prevent misuse and misappropriation, and can even be used as evidence in court.

As stated before, WIPO PROOF is an additional choice to safeguard digital intellectual assets. Nevertheless, to obtain a legal assurance towards intellectual assets, it is needed to still follow the country’s regulation regarding intellectual property in order for a work or an invention compliant with the regulations where the work or invention is created, especially in a country that clearly regulates intellectual property such as Indonesia.



  1. https://wipoproof.wipo.int/wdts/

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